Every product here has made my life much easier with kids. If you are a new mom, I would recommend purchasing these. If you know any expecting moms, any of these would be great gifts!
Affiliate Disclaimer: I may earn a small commission if you choose to purchase any products or services from this website using my link. However, all of these opinions are my own and my decision to purchase was not based on my affiliation.
Baby Nail Scissors
After horrifying experiences with baby nail clippers, this is the best $6 I have ever spent. My two year actually asks me to trim his nails! Check out how easy it is in this video (that I took WHILE doing his nails).
These nail scissors are so easy to use on my infant and toddler, and I’ve never had any accidents or injuries using them.
Portable Fisher Price Baby Dome
The beach, the pool, grandmas… you name it, this baby dome comes in clutch everywhere! It’s extremely light-weight, doesn’t take too much room up in the car, and can be cleaned easily.