Now that my son is 7 weeks old, I am finally emerging out of survival mode and starting to get organized. Forming a daily routine as a new mom can feel like a whirlwind. I have found it easiest to develop our routine by starting with just a few daily commitments.
Daddy Update Board

I started by creating a daddy update board. Our daddy update board helps me to remember to tell my husband about milestones or special events that happened during the day. It also lets me set a goal for the next day.

As Luke grows older, he will participate in filling this out himself.
Goals Board for Mama
Because most of your time as a new mom is spent on your child’s progression, you can easily forget to focus on your own. Filling out this goals board every day with short, attainable goals helps me continue to move forward with my own development, without getting overwhelmed.

Simple Schedule for Baby
Blocking off specific time for Luke’s daily activities helped us both start to get into a more consistent day-to-day rhythm. At this point, the schedule acts mostly as a guide, and we still mainly follow his eating cues for feedings. But, we hope to continue to get closer and closer to following it exactly.

I am looking forward to expanding our daily routine as Luke continues to grow. Do you have any methods that help you and your little one stay organized?